Friday, September 4, 2009

Pictures...2 Parts

Part One - Elijah
By request, I am going to keep this post to mostly pictures. I have many pictures from the past couple of weeks. The story they tell - in their randomness, is our sweet baby, and how ridiculously fast he's growing. And also, of ridiculously cute he is! So there really is no rhyme or reason here...just ridiculously cute pictures!

Part Two - Grace

Grace is a sweet little friend of Elijah's. She's also the daughter of some friends of ours - Craig and Chanelle. Grace was born in February, so she's 5 months ahead of Elijah, but we can tell - they're already the best of friends :) Grace is a sweetheart, and one night when Grace was over I was able to get some really adorable pictures of her. Grace is able focus on Elijah and she wants to play with him...Elijah at this point, just kind of lays there. Just give him some time... :) Nick likes to call Gracie Elijah's little girlfriend. You can see why...she's absolutely adorable!


Jessica said...

that little hat you got him is so beyond ridiculous...I LOVE IT!!

Jweaver said...

Becky- he is so cute!! Seriously, what a stud. I can't wait to meet him :)

Noni said...

Oh he is so unbelievably cute :) I love the little cordouroy hat! And Grace is such a doll! They are quite the little couple!